Monday, 2 June 2014

"Fools or Charlatans" {02.06.2014}

What does Domesday Book really say about Saxon England and its landscapes, economies and politics? You will be very surprised to discover it was no ‘Dark Age’ of ignorance and poverty.
‘Fools or Charlatans’ The Reading of Domesday Book explores Domesday Book in an extensive statistical analysis, and also the potential hoax that may have poisoned our higher education system for over a century.
If it was a novel then you wouldn’t believe it possible, laughable yet tragic, here is the proof – England’s unique national treasure, Domesday Book, cannot be read. A 900 year old statistical archive which modern scholars cannot put into modern terms, therefore they claim that it never made sense! If so, why was it ever compiled? Arthur Wright delves into the present state of knowledge before asking why passages in Domesday Book and others in coetaneous archives, which provide the necessary information, have apparently been hidden from historians and other researchers by Domesday scholars?
In a final attempt to understand why such erroneous and dangerous decisions have been made Arthur Wright analyses every unit and whole landscapes, in order to prove that it can be read. Long ago a toxic asset and Trojan was intruded and this corrupted all further studies. This enlightened read exposes the lies, denials and cyber attacks designed to prevent publication of these things. “I decided to write an exposure”, says Arthur Wright. “I hope to bring historiography out of its own dark age”.

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