Monday 2 August 2010

Musing Mondays

This week’s musing asks…

What book tops your TBR (to be read) pile right now? Is it something you own, or something you have to borrow, or something you’ll be purchasing? Why do you want to read it so badly?

My TBR had been topped by To Defy A King EC , which i had to wait for the bookstore to reopen to get! I'll probably reread this a few times, i generally race through when i first get a book i've waited ages for.
Next on TBR is the third and last M.K Hume King Arthur, although if it doesn't appear i won't mind .The end of Warrior of the West would serve as a very good ending of the tale!


  1. I don't have a TBR ...not really. I do have books I haven't read yet...but I am a mood really does depend on my mood as to what I will actually read next. Here' s mine

  2. To Defy A King looks good. Enjoy.
